If you would like to add your signature to this statement email craftcoalition101@gmail.com
We, a collaborative coalition of coven leaders and long-standing initiates of both Alexandrian and Gardnerian Wicca traditions, hereby make the following statement:
With initiation into the Wicca comes the explicit duty to protect our siblings. Our oaths, sworn in front of the Gods and by all that is sacred, demand this. This duty requires, first and foremost, the protection of each other's identity and location and any identifying information, including identifying information of their immediate family, friends and employment location. This is so that our siblings may be safe in their homes, at work and in their online lives. This protection extends beyond those who are in our covens or closest circles, including any of the Wicca. Initiation into the Wicca isn’t simply a rite of passage into a lineaged tradition; it also bestows the privilege of acceptance into our community, and the burden of certain oaths we all take. While valid initiations cannot be undone, oaths can be broken and acceptance into the community can be withdrawn.
The Alexandrian and Gardnerian Wicca traditions, although each distinct in their own ways, are close and kindred traditions: one has sprung from the other, and as such, initiates of one tradition are siblings to the other. All of the initiates in Alexandrian and Gardnerian Craft are, as Gerald Gardner put it, “of the Wicca”. The members of the Wicca may have many divergent views, and this makes the practices we share and the oaths we take even more precious to us. We all agree that publicly revealing the identities of the Wicca and threatening them with harm constitutes the breaking of our oaths. When an initiate breaks their oaths in this manner, they can no longer be accepted as a Proper Person by the wider Craft community. Even in a community as diverse as the Wicca, there are situations where we feel obliged to stand together and protect our communities from a member who causes such grievous harm to their own siblings as well as others in the Pagan community.
And so, the undersigned, representatives of both the Alexandrian and Gardnerian traditions, stand united in denying the initiate known as Christian Day acceptance into our community. His actions and deeds are not befitting the status to which an initiate must abide. Christian Day’s behavior has escalated to a level of harm caused, such that the undersigned can no longer remain silent.
We additionally disavow the current High Priestess and High Priest of The New Orleans Coven, who have directly and actively supported Christian Day, and deny them a place in our community. We publicly state that Christian Day, and The New Orleans Coven under its current leadership, will no longer be listed, accepted or recommended on any of our forums or gatherings which are intended for initiates or seekers, nor be accepted to participate therein.
May the Gods Preserve the Craft, and May We Preserve Each Other.
Puck, High Priest of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Iuno, 3° High Priestess of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
The Elders of the Sheaves of Demeter Coven, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
KG 3° HPS of the Gardnerian Tradition
Darren Jones 3° High Priest , Coven CYPG, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Rose Jones 3° High Priestess, Coven CYPG, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
F, Coven CYPG, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
W, Coven CYPG, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
A, Coven CYPG, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
K A, Coven CYPG, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
G, Coven CYPG, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
S, Coven CYPG, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Zephyrus, 3° High Priest, Serpent Coven of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft.
Barbara Lee, 3° High Priestess, Serpent Coven of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft.
Oneiros, 3* High Priest of the Highlands Coven, Gardnerian Tradition
Lady Bara, High Priestess of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Dylan, 3° High Priest of the Gardnerian Tradition
भारत, 2° High Priest of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
I koukouvágia, 2° High Priestess of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
KAHINA, 3° High Priestess of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Erramun, 3° High Priest, Stillwater Coven of the Gardnerian Tradition.
Josephine Winter, Covina Brumalis, of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Ryan McLeod, Covanentus Quercus, of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Evelyn, Covanentus Quercus, of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Dylan, Covanentus Quercus, of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Wolf Macdonald, Central Victorian Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
James Donelly, Central Victorian Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Nyrna Salix, Central Victorian Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Samsara, Priestess of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
AP, 3° High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition
SS, 3° High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition and Priestess of the Alexandrian Tradition
TS & PD, SFC, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
LM, 3° POTP, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
T & M, 3° of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Myrddyn, 3° , Highlands Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Faye Summerfield, 3° of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
H. T., 3° of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Lora O'Brien, 3° High Priestess (Retired), Coven of the Dagda's Cauldron, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
B. 3° Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Z. 2° Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Sean Neilson 2° Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
H. 1° Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
P. 2° Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Keela 1° Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Hermes, 3° High Priest of the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions of Witchcraft
Liber, 3° High Priest of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
T.R., 3° High Priest of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Baphomet, 2° High Priest of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Sedna, 2° High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
AST, High Priest of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Gwydion, 3° Coven of the Rising Star, of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Russell Cogill 3° High Priest Nesnick Line of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Yvonne Aburrow Gardnerian High Priestess
Micheál Lóthair 2° Priest of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
E, 3° High Priestess Coven Na Boinne, Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
T, 1° Priest of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
R, 2° Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Barbara Seavers, 2° Alexandrian Priestess, a member of Serpent Coven
Yarilo, 3º of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Acacia, 2nd° HPS of the Glenwood Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Lamina Teppum, 3rd° HP of the Glenwood Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Gen 2° Priest SGG of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
LR, 3° High Priest of the WindDancer Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
I.W. 1° of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Eos 3° High Priestess, and Teneo 3° High Priest of Circle of Saoirse Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition
Sharada, 2° Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Tamsin Davis-Langley a.k.a. Misha Magdalene, High Priestex, Whitecroft line of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
C.O.H., High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Pandora, 3° of the Gardnerian Traditionof Witchcraft
Paul Hardy and Vivien Stewart HP and HPS Temple of the Four Winds, Powys , UK
Morgan, 1° of the Gardnerian Traditionof Witchcraft
Jackie Beltaine, 3° Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Ivy; 3° High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
L.R., 2° HPS Gardnerian Tradition
G.C., 1° Initiate of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
F.L, 2° HP of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
A.D., 2° HPS of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Winifred, 3° of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
S.G., 2° HPS of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
S.A., 2° HPS of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
G.W., 2° HP of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
M.M, 1° Initiate of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
J.V., 1° Initiate of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
M & M, Coven Rince na Gaoithe, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Taliesyne 3° HP of Fainne na Realtai Coven of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
A. K. 2° HP coven CTK, DBG line of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Lasaorfhíona 3° of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Morena 3° HPS, Oaken Crescent Coven of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Honora Clifton, Central Victorian Coven, of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Eolas, High Priest, Queens’ Coven, NYC of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Thomas, 2° of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
K 1° of the Gardnerian Tradition of Witchcraft
Mary Kenny 2° Priestess, Serpent Coven of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft
Paula Flanagan, Serpent Coven of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft